Metamask® Extension®

The Metamask® extension serves as a secure wallet integrated directly into your browser, enabling seamless interaction with Ethereum-based applications without the need for a …

MetaMask's Official Connect Wallet

MetaMask is a popular cryptocurrency wallet and browser extension that allows users to access Ethereum-enabled decentralized applications (dApps) directly from their web browser. Here are the key points about the MetaMask extension:

  • MetaMask is an Ethereum wallet that allows users to store, send, and receive Ether (ETH) and other ERC-20 tokens. It acts as a gateway to the Ethereum blockchain.

  • The MetaMask extension can be installed on popular web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Brave, and Edge. It injects the Ethereum web3 API into every website's JavaScript context, enabling dApp interaction.

  • With MetaMask, users can create and manage their own Ethereum accounts and identities. This allows them to securely review and approve transactions before they are written to the blockchain.

  • MetaMask is open-source and its source code can be viewed on GitHub. The extension requires permission to read and write to any webpage in order to provide its functionality.

  • MetaMask has been downloaded over 4 million times and is trusted by millions of users globally. It is considered one of the most popular and widely-used Ethereum wallets.

  • The latest version of MetaMask is 11.16.13, which was updated on June 21, 2024. It supports over 50 languages.

  • MetaMask has disclosed its data privacy practices, stating that user data is not sold to third parties or used for unrelated purposes. Users can manage their data through the extension's privacy settings.

In summary, MetaMask is an essential tool for accessing and interacting with the Ethereum decentralized ecosystem directly from a web browser. Its secure wallet and dApp integration make it a go-to choice for Ethereum users.

Last updated